Sunday, July 25, 2010

Miraton 2.0

Software Description:

Miraton is a program to play and compose music live for Mac OS X.

It is programmed to import sound files (.wav, .aiff, .mp3, .snd, .mov, any format supported by quicktime), to conceive music in a studio or in live improvisations.

MIRATON 's simplified interface is easy to use for pure pleasure at home, as well as it is adapted for agitated electronics performances, giving the user the possibility to be free to move on stage, to have a more handy and instinctive approach of his electronic tool.

It was originally designed for being used with a keyboard and a mouse connected to the laptop by a long cable usb (5 m) which is carried like a guitar or an accordion by shoulderstrap. However you can also use it as any application with a standard mouse and a standard keyboard. 

Operating System 
Mac OS X 
File Size
1.05 MB 
GPL (All Free software)

System Requirements



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